Saturday, March 19, 2011

A lack of updates, but very hard at work

The past month or so has been pretty bare as far as updates have gone, however; I have been hard at work behind the scenes.

- I've launched a Google ad campaign.  It's one of those ones that are off to the sides of your search results.  No pictures or anything are on it though, and the text is pretty limited, but I'm hoping to get some extra clicks for it.  I've also been thinking about a Facebook campaign, but I wanna see how well this one does first.
- I've also registered on Google Maps, which will add yet another avenue for people to find my work.  If anybody (especially those that have came to my shows) wants to write a review, or rate me on there it would be very appreciated, as it would raise my standings and have me appear in the searches easier.
- I've applied for and planned out my artist booth for the Earth Day 2011 show down at the conservatory.  It's all weekend long, and it'll be my first art fair with my own booth and everything.  I'm really hoping that I get in...I find out Monday.  There is also still that chance that I'm going to get into the Columbus Art Festival this year!  The contract deadlines are due the 31st, so I should be hearing back from them within the next two weeks.
- I have to upgrade my phone first, but I got this nifty little thing that lets me take credit cards in person now.  It's a card reader that plugs into the headphone jack on your phone and connects through an app called Square.  I haven't gotten the chance to use it yet, but I'm pretty excited about it.

So while it hasn't seemed like it, theres been a lot goin on over here.  Plus with spring right around the corner, an influx of inspiration is bound to lead to a lot of new pictures.  2011 has been on a roll for almost four months now, and it's only going to get better.

Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Countdown to the next big show...

What a crazy past couple of days its been!  After having built 14 frames already, we got a bit comfortable.  If I have learned anything, its that while framing, being constantly aware of what you're doing and constantly measuring and remeasuring frames is key.  After spending all Monday night and the better part of Tuesday finishing up the frames for the show, I discovered two of them were far too small.  With just a few hours left in the day and work looming on the horizon, it didn't look so good.  I should know better than to doubt the improvisational abilities of me and my father though.  With a bit of determination (and some consequential sleep loss) we busted them out in 4 hours.  Start to finish.  Now all that's left to do is mount the prints, seal the frames, and attach the hanging hardware.

Just three days left til my "biggest" show yet...